Step by Step:
Step 1: Compile the auctiom item list, including item photo, sizes, and conditions (New Seal, Opened, Displayed, Defective).
Step 2: Submit the list to review
Step 3: If you’re located in the Klang Valley, deliver all items to our studio. Sellers outside the Klang Valley can directly post item to the winning bidder after the auction ends.
Step 4: Payouts will be made to sellers once the buyer receives the item without any complaints.

Bid Item Charging Fee:

Item Price (RM)

Bearbrick / Molly 400%

150 each

Bearbrick / Molly 1000%

300 each

Kaws (Any Size)

150 each

Other designer toys

10% of end bid price

Notes: All charges will be deducted from the final bid price.